Mar 22, 2016

Modern clothes with ethno style ornaments

Modern clothes with ethno style ornaments
So- called ethnic style and folk motifs are becoming more and more popular. This applies not only to the materials and ornaments but also to the accessories made in ethno styles and the interior parts.
The designers perfectly combine the modern clothing with elements of ethno clothes. This direction and the tendency gradually get some essentials and forman ethnic style - as a separate line of contemporary fashion. The main admirers of the ethno style are youth. This style came to fashion in the sixties and was widespread among the young followers of the hippie culture. In the 60s of the last century, the world literally got crazy. The fashion industry dictated new trends with sexier looks,skirts became shorter and dresses moresinc ere. At the same time, as the opposition to the fashion developments the hippie culture dictated new tendencies, the hippies responded to the short skirts with the long ones, and to the shiny metallic, plain fabrics with the natural materials, decorated by ethnic motifs. Hippies did not use a specific style; it was a mix of clothes of people from all over the world. The preference was given to the bright natural fabrics with ethno ornaments.
Nowadays the ethno style in combination with the modern fashion tendencies is still popular because this is a unique synthesis of contemporary apparel and accessories which look like the museum exponents.