Feb 2, 2016

90's come back to fashion

90's come back to fashion

Even though winter is amazing with its astonishing white color and fairy landscapes, but our souls always want spring to come. We associate with spring new feelings, mood blossom, love, sensitivity and romantic stories. That is why especially in spring people want to refresh their wardrobes, smile more, meet with friends and just go to walk. Of course, there is still a lot of time till the spring will come, but how to be ready for it quickly, we have looked through some designers’ spring collections and shared with Youth main trends and colors of spring clothing.

2016 spring collections are very similar to 90's fashion, here we can say that the forgotten past became the future and 90's came «back» now. Even the hairstyle of the models reminds us the colorful and kind 90's: messy, wavy long hair or curly short bob, it is still in trend. You can have it shorter at the back and longer at the front.