Feb 16, 2016

Sensitive zone: skin around eyes

The skin around eyes is very sensitive
The skin around eyes is very sensitive and delicate and requires a special care. It is one of the first areas on our face to show signs of aging. Rubbing our eyes also can break tiny blood vessels under the skin's surface and cause dark circles. Here are the special advises how to prevent dark circles and bags under our eyes.
1. Eye skin care aims using such measures which contains peptides, nicotinic acids, ceramides, caffeine and moisturizing components.
2. Carefulness. It is known that the skin around eyes is 6 -10 times more sensitive. Therefore, it needs to take care of very carefully and accurately. We should not rub or stretch the skin, as it can be damaged.
3. Protection from the sun. The zone around the eyes needs to be better protected, especially from the sun. You can use prevent premature aging creams that provide a wide range of louver effects or just sunglasses.
4. Massage. A regular facial massage helps reduce dark circles around the eyes, as well puffiness and wrinkles.
5. Masks and creams. As we know the masks refreshes and improves the overall condition of the skin. Therefore, do not ignore those measures, they can refresh and soothe delicate skin. It is preferable to use masks or creams with nourishing and calming effects.