Feb 16, 2016

Shape-up for summer

get ready for summer
Soon the spring will come and it seems that the summer will not far behind. So we can already think on how to prepare our bodies to summertime: these hot days on the sea sides and glamour city life. All females spend a lot of time after winter for bringing their body to an attractive look for summer. After so long period of wearing the warm cloths, hiding all disadvantages of the figure many people ask them self how to get fit in short period of time.
All people want to prepare themselves and their bodies for the summer, to look good. Here are three main rules which will help you to have a better look for summer:
right training program
First of all remember that it’s better to start work on your body since spring, for having much time. The morning run is an amazing start of your day; it will improve your mood and will guarantee a high-level productivity during the day. The second rule is that you need to choose the right training program with a well delivered training process. It is necessary to take into consideration one rule: if you want to lose weight, then you should know that you can lose weight up to 3 kg. per month but not more. Don’t be fooled by the tricks of various coaches that will promise you another result. But even for losing 3 kg you need to try hard and to keep a diet. Keep in mind that it is better to eat less than usual but more often 4-5 times a day. Losing weight requires the use of protein and carbohydrate.